[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

A New Eternal Bond

So some friends had a little wedding and I thought it would be a great opportunity to take some screenshots and showcase it here. There’s only one problem. I have a lot of them and I want to show some of them atleast. As such, circumventing my own rule today and showcasing a few more screenshots given that its a special occasion.

One nice thing is we had a few others that particpate showering gil and another had offer to play some music which gave a few opportunities for some screenshots. Overall, these screenshots are pretty good. I took advantage of the cutscenes as well, but due to them having black bars I had removed those. As such I apologize for altering the screenshots, but I think that its an valid exception.

Lastly, I just want to mention the third to last screenshot. I didn’t notice at first, but I wonder if they jumped as I took the screenshot or if they were floating there to begin with. Its a neat quirk.

Crops Tended: 36

Crops Saved: 4

Gardening Once again

Well that was odd. The last three wards I have went through only had one plot with some crops growing in it. Ward 4 of Lavender Beds had 6 plots full of crops growing. One of them had some smelly crops that needed to be saved. One funny thing to mention was that I tended some crops while some people were there. They didn’t say anything and makes me wonder if they even noticed at all. The saddest part out of all of this, is that I had found a small plot of land available for purchase. Unfortnately, I am not swimming in cash. Heck I’m barely swimming with 1 million gil. Some time down in the future I will acquire my own little plot, but who knows when.

Palace of the Dead runs?

I have had some inkling to run the Palace of the Dead due to its sheer challenge. I may even take down the route of soloing it, if my friends don’t happen to play much of it themselves. Although, I am debating on if I want to be crazy and try to run it as a black mage or one of the healers. I could take the easy approach and do machinist and redmage, but I kind of want my first successful solo run to be something stupid. Nevertheless, it will take a long time for me to even attempt a full on run since I hardly started a deep dungeon in the first place.

Some changes to the website

I have decided to change the theme of the website. Initially, I used notepadium, but I had recently changed it to PaperMod. It has a few features that would be better suited for a reader, but doesn’t give a great deal of customization. Maybe I’l try to do something similar in what I did before with notepadium. However, I will have to make some changes to the theme. This may not happen tonight though, so don’t go expecting overnight changes after this post. Either way, this new theme should offer new features that were too much of a pain to implement before.

In regards to new features. RSS is now working on this website. On the home page you should be able to see the icon that will direct you to the url for the RSS feed (One of the reasons why I changed the theme). I will post a url down below so that you can copy it as well. The site also has search functonality, allowing you to search for any searchable post. Another thing I have done is that I have left the tags in, but removed categories since its kind of redundant. Although, I will have to retroactively update my older posts to suit the configs for this new theme.

Lastly, I don’t plan on making any wide-sweeping changes further on. This site will receive some cosmetic changes in the future, but I intend to keep it at this state. The main reason for this, is because I think that these current features should offer most solutions that folks would prefer and with RSS it wouldn’t realy matter in the long run anyhow. I don’t need to use software like wordpress due to my rather simplisitic posting style. The most complicated thing is probably the search page, since it does use Javascript. Outside of that I don’t think my website is all that sophiscated, which I want to keep it that way.

Anyhow, hope you folks have a good day.