Screenshot a Day FFXIV [20]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Ul’Dah This will be the first screenshot showcasing the city-states. I’ll be taking about two more for Ul’dah and will repeat it for the next two city-states. I don’t have any comment to make for the screenshot today, but I’ll be discussing on some stuff related to mmos and this little series down below State of MMOs? I think as a whole there’s promise for MMO’s to grow but they are suffering a rather significant setback known as Real Money Trading (RMT) and other forms of monetization via the companies developing them....

July 26, 2022 · 6 min · 1196 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [19]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Tranquil Here’s another day with another screenshot. Today’s going to be a fairly brief one since I don’t have the luxury of time with me. Also, I plan to make a rather hefty post tomorrow that I may or may not include along with the screenshot a day series. Its mainly going to relate to my thoughts on some of the general trends with mmos and just my overall opinions....

July 25, 2022 · 1 min · 187 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [18]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Speedrun? Speedrun. So yeah, I literally had no time due to me getting off of work like 15 minutes ago. Anyhow, conveniently the servers are down and I am unable to get a screenshot. Thankfully, I had a taken a prior one and today its going to be the Free Company’s workshop room. I don’t really have nothing to say since time is ticking on my head and I have to get this out before midnight....

July 24, 2022 · 1 min · 99 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [17]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Finally Here’s the tree that I have been looking for. Just want to make certain that there are none watching since if I recall this is a “special” tree. Hm… One thing I forgot to consider is the fact that I don’t really have a tool for this size of tree. Only one way to find out. Mistakes were made again… So… In regards to me mentioning about implementing a new method of uploading these posts....

July 23, 2022 · 4 min · 680 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [16]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Golden Lies Look at this. Do you see any trees- No there’s absolutely zero of them. Just some cacti masqurading as servers or something. Heck the rewards you receive aren’t even gil. Such nonsense, this whole place is a scam. Although, I might just play one more minigame. Wait I can’t I still need to get back to the Black Shroud for some trees to chop....

July 22, 2022 · 6 min · 1150 words · Rook Gale