[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Raincatcher Gully

So yeah… I don’t really have the time nor interest in doing the whole monthly summary thing. As much as I like to, but to be frank. There’s nothing of interest happened last month. Anyhow, what I would like to talk about is that I am nearing the 100 day mark for this blog. Nearly a hundred days of A Realm Reborn. Because of the time mark I am debating if I should proceed onto the next expansion after hitting the 100 day mark for the blog. Mind you, I am nowhere near running out of “content” for this blog. A Realm Reborn is massive. I am fairly confident that I can spend a whole year in A Realm Reborn. Although, I don’t think its a good idea to spend all of that time in it since well I do like to explore the other zones without restrictions. I am especially keen on one particular area. Probably one of my most favorite spots in the game and also the reason why I even started to do this whole blog.

Don’t know why, but I feel like I am becoming a broken record. Making daily posts tends to mess up my sense of time and memory of these posts. Well, I don’t really have much else to say today other than hope you folks try to make something out of tomorrow.