[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Hab the Zombie

or Habe. I don’t remember their name exactly and I don’t intend to check. They claim to be that of a zombie and were all stricken with fear that I would attack them because they are a “zombie”. The last “Zombie” that I had dealt with turned out to be an impostor extraordinare. As such, I remain skepticial of their truths. For all I know they could be cooking of some Lalafellin stew. This is technically a spoiler from Endwalker (not a major one mind you), but Lalafells did originate from Popotos to be exact a Giant Popoto. The tooltip also mentioned that it isn’t consider cannibalism for a Lalafell to eat one. So yeah… Thats a thing. God just imagining that Lalafells growing out of the ground is a rather odd one.

Anyhow, thats all I am going to say today. Got 8 minutes to post this. Hope you folks have a good one.