[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Church of Something

It was called saint of A… something someting. I don’t think a church has ever been called “Church of Something” outside of sarcasm. I might as well call it that since its the only church that I know off in A Realm Reborn. Spoilers by the way, but I think there were one or two instances that you had to go to the church and the main one I can recall was meeting Cid for the first time. I don’t want to get into too much detail, but I feel like Cid doesn’t get as much screentime in the later expansions during the Main Scenario. I might be needlessly complaining since as a whole I have enjoyed A Realm Reborn. Especially, post A Realm Reborn.

Completely Random

I wanted to do a quick test to see if transparency works with the theme I am using. I took a screenshot of a “new” look for my character when I decided to start leveling Dark Knight.

Here’s the screenshot:

One thing that should be mentioned is the fact that I used a “green screen” for this shot and just did a fuzzy cut of the non important parts of the area. If I was concerned with quality. I probably would’ve tackled the edges of my character since you can probably see bits of green around them. No matter. As you may have noticed is that I went with blue instead of green that may have been seen before hand. Overall, I really like this style for my character. Especially, when its difficult as it is to stylize a flipping Lalafell. The Expeditioner’s Coat proved quite vaulable for me. The only challenge now is determining what kind of blade I want to use.

I like to kind’ve go with simplicity especially in this case when my character isn’t wearing fancy clothing or armor. The main problem with Dark knight is that there’s an extreme lack of “simple” items to select from. To be more specific. They are all claymores with insane thickness. How in the world am I suppose to fit that style of sword with a Lalafell?

No matter, I’ll think of something.

Doing this whole screenshot and cropping out my character gave me a bit of an idea. I am thinking of creating a little logo for this website using some photo editing while taking advantage of my character. I haven’t fully decided what I am going to do, but I think it will be neat nevertheless. Obviously, I need to stylize it enough to avoid me “stealing” Square Enix Intellectual Property which I do have some ideas on how to avoid that will trying to keep some of FFXIV Vibe. Although, at this stage I am just rambling now and this whole idea is going to be a wait and see.