[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Fog Once More

I just can’t escape it. Fog will creep up one way or another. Atleast its a different shot from the rest of the others I have taken. Kind’ve neat looking. Then again it looks all brown at a glance.

I don’t really have much to discuss today. Recently, I learned that there’s a mount that I can get form the Island Sanctuary. Aparently, to purchase it unlocks after rank 10 and might cost 24,000 cowries. Quite expensive. Then again I’m all for it. The only issue I have with it is the fact that its a motorized mount and I’m not too fond of those mounts. Heck do I get a little toddler version of the bike? If I do then it would be worth it. Otherwise, it will just be a joke if I were to ride one. Not that it matters all too much. I plan to go for the extreme achievement that requires getting a total of 500,000 Cowries. Money aint going to be a problem for me. Hopefully, future content takes advantage of the currency other than upkeep.

Oh yeah. Thankfully, people are doing the job for me and getting all of the numbers for the market board from the workshops. Now I can make a little python program that eases the tasks of setting up the agenda for each season. Then again that assumes I have the desire to actually do that. It isn’t all that complicated. The main challenge is typing it all down and connecting all of the stuff together. Coding the process shouldn’t, be that much of a challenge. (Foreshadowing bugs galore). As it stands right now, I am just hapazardly throwing various items at the workshop just to get the day over with.

Welp, thats going to be it for the day. May you have a good time for the rest of your day.