[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Month of August

Hello Hello. Here we are back again in Lavender Beds. Although, the fog is trying to eat me whole once more. Feels like a bane of my existence. Anyhow, I plan on touching a tad on some of the web traffic from the past month. Mind you July has a bit of an exception because it didn’t have a full month to work with. August will be the first and will serve as a bit of an baseline for the rest of the year. Hopefully.

Unique Visitors

One thing that I should mention that a Unique visitor is determined by having the same ip, date, and agent. Ip simply means on from where they are and date is the day of the visit and agent I believe means what browser they used. As long the requests line up with those that defines an Unique Visitor for that day is accounted for. Because of this, there is a possibility that there are those whom have visited multiple days, but would be counted as seperate visitors.

Total Visitors for the Month: 1,812

Once again it doesn’t take account of repeat visits so not the most accurate measurement. The main reason for this is because I don’t want to include some tracker like Google Analytics. Primarily, it consumes page load times and I prefer to avoid sending off user data to some corporate overlord. I obtain the data from the log files from Nginx which is the web server I am using. Essentially, take the results with a grain of salt.

One other thing I like to mention is the average visitors per day for the month as well.

Average Visitors per day: 58

I rounded down the number since it was technically 58.45. It doesn’t seem all that bad, but in comparison to last month (which was at 61). Although, I feel like there’s been a higher average as a whole. In fact if I remove the highest peak for July at 142 visitors. The average is at 56. The sole reason for the massive uplift was because of the wedding thing that I participated in FFXIV. I intentionally spread that post around with a few groups I know.

Word Count

I don’t want to look at the results of this one, but I have to…

Total word count for the month of August: 9574

Average word count per post: 308

Average word count per week: 2,393

Yikes… Originally for August. I wanted to have a higher average word count from last month. Unfortunately, I didn’t achieve that. Without a doubt, I spent many moons writing a quick post in 5 minutes and go straight bed afterwards. Not my greatest moment to say the least. Either way, the main that I am most concerned for is consistency. Right now, making daily posts are more important than word count, but I do want to increase over time. I think I want to shoot for 15,000 for a single month, but it will prove to be a challenge in some ways. Mainly, getting myself to spend more than 20 minutes on a post.

Regardles, I think the statistics for August was interesting and helpful in some aspects. This month I intend to get rid of the stale titles and add some flair to them. It might help in terms of visitor count. Only one way to find out.

Hope you folks found this post interesting and may the future be ever in my favor. (Don’t say it)