[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.


I don’t remember what these ruins were called. Once again, I am not really in the mood to make another post of these. I plan to continue making these posts, but at the moment I am in a bit of a downturn probably similar to my desire to play video games at the moment. I’m half way to reaching 90 days. I like to reach that goal of mine. Maybe I should just take a break and just post a screenshot for a bit till I am more interested in actually typing something. Then again I know myself all too well. If I were to stop adding text. I will stop adding them in its entirety. After some time has passed I may even outright stop posting in general because whats the point of posting for this obscure blog that a soul will never see. Obviously, I can just argue that this is merely practice to write stories, but I haven’t really made a story out of this. Its a bit of a pain in general.

Hopefully, soon in the future I’ll be able to adjust my workflow to be able achieve some of my desire with this blog of sorts. One thing that I will say. This is weird blog in general. Like who would even look at this blog. For the screenshots or the incessant rambling added with them? I doubt neither and I even doubt both. While I had some people mention its neat on what I am doing, but its hard to say that this blog brings any substantial benefit to another.

You know what here’s another paragraph of me ranting again. Since I am no longer following any degree of consistency. Lets see how far I can just add random text till I hit the 30 minute mark of making this post. One idea I wanted to achieve was to improve the amount of words per post these fellas. Clearly, I am failing in that department. I don’t believe I have surpassed the average 470 Words per Post from the last month. If anything I have degraded down to about 200 words per post. Kind’ve sad and demoralizing. Another thing to mention is that I like to work on multiple things, yet I have only really worked on this blog in a rather chore like fashion. I remember that I use to make these posts before going to work, but since I wait till the last minute now. I tend to just hurry up the post and just get it out there so that I don’t have to think about it again for 22 hours. Makes this whole blog somewhat pointless.

Regardless from what I have said above. I think its neat that I have managed to post this many screenshots over the past month and a half. I don’t think many would have a desire to dedicated that amount of time into a game for just a simple picture. Now I may not be spending hours leveling and grinding in the game, but I think simply interacting with the environment and even the players is good enough. You can be surprissed on what amusement you can get out of a game. Heck everyone that I know playing the game wants to boil me alive due to playing a Lalafell.

Its kind’ve sad that some folks have such tendencies. Although, its completely understable since the MSQ does a rather poor job in representing the poor potatoes- I mean Lalafells. Makes me wonder if some of the other MMOs had these form of problems. I don’t really recall unfortunately since WoW was my most played in one in the past, but I was 15 years old at the time. Last time I even touched that game was during the “Battle for Azeroth” Heavensward [3.0]. Which I enjoyed it for about a month. The only reason it stopped because I didn’t really have any friends to play with. Nowadays. I have zero interest in that game other than watching it topple over itself.

One last thing that I like to mention. I wonder if I can reach 90-100 days without moving over to another expansion. The only exception I intend to exclude is the Island Sanctuary zone since its technically 6.0 content. Its partially why I added a 90-100 day window. The main reason I even mentioned this at all is because I am starting to stagnate on where to take screenshots in “A Realm Reborn”. My interests are more of a cause than lack of locations, but its still concering for me in some ways. I wonder if I can manage to pull a whole years worth of screenshots for Final Fantasy 14 as a whole. If I can pull it off till 100 days with this expansion. Then I should be fine for the rest of the year and beyond. Besides, if I were to run into problems. I’ll just recruit people to stage themselves so that I can get more content out of the game.

Welp. I am about to hit the 30 minute mark on this post. Looks like its time to say my condolences. I do apologize for the hectic nature of this post, but these posts down the line should improve overall. Maybe there will be more to look at these posts beyond my ramblings and screenshots. We will just have to wait and see. Have a good day/night.