[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Camp Bluefog

I have no idea what this location is at all. I don’t even remember this being part of the MSQ. There may have been a quest or two, but that was about a year ago for me. Either way, I was lazy and just jumped right on over to the nearby town for this shot. Nothing special. Currently, bed is more appetizing than words at the moment. Plus, kind’ve want to see if I can make a post in under 10 minutes as some form of “test”. You never know when one needs to make a post lickedly split. Then again I could’ve easily posted this minutes ago and just instead making filler to pretend that I am saying something of value. Eh, may not be my best work as of now. Although, these past two weeks for me haven’t been the greatest either.

For whatever reason I have a phase from time to time that causes me to stop playing games for an extended period of time. I’m at this stage right now, but I’ll probably get back into the grove within a week or two, or atleast till 6.2 launches.

Hope you folks have a good time (whatever that means)