[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Old Gridania: Apkallu Falls

Originally, when I was going to take a screenshot here. I thought it was a pretty sizable waterfall, but in reality its only like 2-3 feet tall. This spot as a whole is fairly calm and secluded not really a huge favorite of mine, but may be worth while to relax here. Another thing to mention. I didn’t really consider how poor of a choice to have mostly green clothing for my Lalafell. Doesn’t really do a good job of showing themselves.

1 month of Screenshot a day FFXIV

Quick disclaimer. As some may already noticed. It hasn’t been a full 30-31 month for Screenshot a day. The main reason is that I decided to go off of the actual end of the month since I did start this blog series in the beginning of the month.

So a few things I want to mention in regards of the tracking I have done in the past month. Mainly, Unique Visitors and word count.

Firstly, there’s been 1,599 unique visitors since July 5th. You can subtract 100 due to those came before this series started.

Secondly, Day 20 has the most amount of words at: 1196. While day # has the least amount of words at 65.

In total there’s 11,751 words in the entire month of July from the Screenshot a day FFXIV blog series. With a rough average of 470 words per post (this post has). These are some neat little tidbits that I thought would be neat to mention.

I do think its nice to see that about 1.5k people have visited the website but there’s a bit of a problem with that. Unfortunately, I think most of the traffic is coming from the Unraid matrix docker setup thingmajing. Honeslty, I don’t like the guide that I had made and wish I could revamp it or just delete it from the site as a whole. The only reason why I haven’t is because time and that I don’t really want to remove posts if I can avoid it. I also decided just to see if the wayback time machine will keep a record of the website since any record that this had existed at any length of time is important in my eyes. Then again in that might be a bit of a challenge if I want to make a record of every single post.

Lastly, I want to see if I can get the average word count up to 500 this month. Although, that may be a bit of an obstucale due to Xenoblade Chronicles 3 right now. Nevertheless, I think info collected is neat, but I am not expecting a huge amount in the long run. Hope you folks have a good night/day