Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Bridge of the High Rule Warriors

I do apologize for the very brief post yesterday. It wasn’t really my plan, however the circumstances didn’t exactly help.

Anyways, lets talk about this bridge of sorts. Something that I find peculiar is that its slightly damaged. It makes me wonder why they never had bothered to repair it, but maybe its not a high priority. Its still peculiar given that the name seems to add a certain level of importance. Another thing to make note of is the pillars surrounding the entire bowl like structure.

You can’t really see them all that much. However, it reminds me of Pillars of Eternity. In the first game, the manor you get to mess with has a huge hand surrounding its premises. Beneath the ground of the manor is a huge collosuss. It reminds me as if this place will also have some huge structure beneath as well. Although, that isn’t likely to happen.

You know what? Looking at the map for the zone. There’s ten pillars surrounding the “Azim Khaat.” It almost looks like two hands lifting the bowl while also keeping the water beneath it as well.

Its an interesting formation. Fun fact, I just now discovered how to hide the text and icons on the map while looking at this. Funny thing about that image. It looks like the pillars are cradling it. Reason why is because I think the denizens may also call the place as “The Cradle” or something along those lines. Although, I’m just guessing.

Flight Limitations

You know its kind’ve nice to be grounded once in a while. Obviously, if I’m focused on a specific task. I’m unlikely to be enjoying the whole no flight experience. Although, walking about on a mount made me appreciate the scale of these maps a tad. Not only that, I feel like it offers a completely different experience than flying.

If you ever have some free time. You should try exploring some of the zones on the ground (with or without a mount). It could help you reminisence or appreciate things that others may have forgotten. Another nice aspect about it is that you can see things in a different context.

Its really circumstantial and all, but you can learn things that not the ordinary flyer would. One of those nice benefits is that of the ambiance. While you could spend time flying low to the ground to listen to it. Chances are, people will be flying above the tree lines or higher. Not only that. You won’t be able to take in all of it as efficently since you will be blitzing pass everything.

Honestly, the main thing I’m saying is to take your time and enjoy the small things. Who knows what inspiration will lead.

On that note. I kind’ve want the next expansion to not feel too mystical in a way. Azim Steppe made me feel like as if the world is more immersive. While hopping on over to lets say Endwalker. It kind’ve feels like some distant dream. It may seem as a needless complaint, but its still something I want to toy with for a bit.

Essentially, I want to try this whole flightless idea occasionally and explore the zones to get a better feel for them. That way I can determine if that odd feeling is due to the more mystical nature or my feeble mind? Context of the zone may be in play as well.


How many people do you think complete their sidequests inside FFXIV? I have no number to go off of sadly. Anecdotally, I don’t believe a huge amount of people actually complete the sidequests. Completionists might but I don’t know of any.

Eitherway, completeing some of the quests for acquiring flight in the zone made me wonder abit about them. To be quite honest, I spent a fair amount of time in the past on talking about the sidequests in the game themselves. I thought it would be an easy way to talk about something and to possibly explore some of the lore from the game. It seemed a pretty good itdea, but of course me and my ever expanding projects seem to never stop.

While, I may consider on talking about some of the sidequests here. Its hard to say on how consistent or frequent they will be. Maybe when I get serious about it I will formulate some kind of “routine”.

Performance Woes

This is more of an issue specific to my setup. Although, some may experience similar problems. I’ve been dealing with a case of microstuttering with my games. In particular with FFXIV. Apparently, it has something to do with either Discord or Youtube in a browser. Whenever playing videos or people sharing their screens/cameras. My game starts to have some rather annoying microstuttering.

Base off of my cpu/gpu performance. Neither is running at max usage and my ram appears to be doing fine. Although, I might have to explore a bit more of the issue. It didn’t appear to be frequent problem till now. Who knows, I could’ve been experiencing it this whole time and just now realized that it existed. That would be weird.


So that is all for today folks! Although, I do want to talk a few things before hand.

Mainly, I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday. While I doubt people would be concerned of the very brief post (If anyone actually reads this stuff). The reason for the short post is due to a meeting outside of town and having to drive through a rather wonderful rain/fog. Not only that, my tiredness hit a whole new low. I had to leave fairly early to pickup a couple coworkers to drive them towards the meeting and back.

Honestly, a lot of the reasons for my sleep deprivation is due to me staying up till 5am on nearly every day. I think I had only gotten a couple hours of sleep yesterday (Till getting back from the meeting).

Anyways, that was a bit random, but I hope you folks have a good day/night nevertheless!