Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Prism Lake

A lake with Prisms. Although, I haven’t the foggiest idea as to why I took it other than I though it was neat. Anyhow, I want to make a quick mention about how I post my images. So unfortunately, my current method of storing all the screenshots into the static folder appears to be a very bad idea. Atleast, bad in a sense if you want to try using Hugo’s image processing stuff. Since I more or less process the images via scripts. I never considered using whatever builtin solution till today. So yeah, I might reconsider how I do a bunch of the backend stuff for this site to be a bit more efficent. I was also going to mention the fact that I was planning on upgrade the site’s current theme anyhow. I’m not going to change the aesthetics, but will be bringing my current version to a more up to date one.