Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Dairyu Moon Gates

So here we are. To compensate yesterady’s failure. I decided to go for the banger of this zone. If it just wasn’t for the flipping the clouds that are in the way, I would consider this shot wallpaper worthy. Heck, I would still consider on using this as a wallpaper nevertheless. One other thing I want to do is… Another Screenshot!

For those with dual screens, you get to have another potential wallpaper to use. I would advise putting this one on the left side of the main screenshot. Although, not everyone utilizes ultrawidescreens like me. (lets also not talk about the fact that its at 2560x1080 resolution.)

One-sided discussion

Its been about two months since I had done a video in regards to my Hydaelyn Preservation Project. While technically my screenshot a day series was the predecssor before the “3 hour” videos. Those videos are what kickstarted the focus on preservation. As such I want to elaborate on the hiatus of those videos.

To be quite frank, I still want to make another video truly. However, I find myself a bit at conflict making such videos. There are many things I want to focus on at this time and its fairly difficult to motivate myself to invest multiple hours on something that I don’t see a lot of value in. Do I dislike the videos? No. I personally enjoy the concept of them and think there are people on the surface of Earth that would enjoy them. Unfortunately, I formed a mental barrier on making further videos of it.

Honestly, I don’t entirely comprehend what obstacle I’m encountering and I did consider on brute forcing myself and just keep making them. Then again, I don’t want to burn myself out to the point that I will despise making the videos. They require a certain level of time commitment and perserverance in my opinion and without both. I will be effectivelly harming myself mentally to achieve an intagible goal that people would hardly recognize. To be blunt, its difficult to keep making something when you know hardly anyone is going to notice and care. Its actually kind’ve the reason as to why I made that odd “The Great Kugane Leap” video. It was meant to drag eyes to my existence.

I don’t want to spout about how I’m not doing this stuff for money or fame. Would I like to have both? Yes, however that doesn’t mean I need it to continue what I’m doing. All I realistically want is for people to talk about what I’m making. I want people’s thoughts and opinions on what I made so far regardless if it was the videos or the screenshots (Although, I do have a preference for my blog). At the same time, I fear their response. I really don’t want to come out of the tunnel at the end of the ride just to find out everything I made is shit and no one has anything positive to say other than how flipping insane I am for even attempting the idea. Some would consider this form of paranoia to not be healthy.

Because of this the Kugane Leap video was more of a test of things and while obviously I gotten the response expected from people like the whole insane to put in the effort for the video. I really didn’t get much criticism that I can learn from and improve. It was rather odd to look at the response of the reddit post that I made. I had a couple spouting of my craziness and others reminesscing about doing climbing the tower and landing on the pole. (I hope people understood that that every failed attempt was intentional for the most part.) I didn’t really know on what to take in from the users. I guess that no criticism can be considered a good thing, but I myself see flaws of the video from hindsight. I recognize some of my problems making the video, but found nothing that I could’ve missed from others.

Let me dial this back a bit. I was entering the “rant mode” and rather focus on what else I want to talk about.


I want to rebuild the foundation I had created for the current “Ambiance” videos that had been made so far. The reason behind this was something that had inspired in me while making the Kugane Leap video. Instead of producing a 3 hour video that no one is going to watch. I want to produce a far shorter video (about 3 minutes) that can achieve the same thing, but also add a little visual storytelling. Something get people hooked onto the idea of it.

Now normally people wouldn’t give a name to these ideas, but in this case. The name that I had thought of helped laydown the foundation for this possible “mini-series”

Exploring the Realms

Thats the name of the idea on want to create. The name says everything on what videos entire premise. The reason why I haven’t mention much of it at all is quite simply because I haven’t found a foundation that would work this idea. I struggled on how I wanted to present the idea and wasn’t entirely certain on how I would make the videos (that part is still kind’ve true). However, I made a breakthrough that quickly brought solutions to my many problems. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything to demonstrate on this idea yet. There are still a few growing pains with the concept, but I figured out enough to where I’m confident enough to mention it. My only concern at this stage is the reception of the idea. I have no idea if people would even like the concept and I also lack in cinematography skills to make the most out of my tools.

The crux of the problem that I’m dealing at this stage is the fact that I don’t have confidence that people will like it. I believe that is the major factor as to why I’m been delaying on it for as long as I have been. I spent all of this time thinking of it, but very little on putting it out there. My hopes with this post is that simply typing it out onto a screen, will help break the obstacle I’ve been experiencing.

Side Note

I didn’t realize that post 240 Namai (or whatever it was called) had a slight technical problem. To be more accurate, it was missing the main screenshot on the actual post. It was there on the cover page, but for some reason the automated script seems to occasionally mess up generating the appropiate file. I believe its simply due to the fact that the script gets runned multiple times and is messing up the prior instances from functionally properly. All it means is that I just need to be on the look out for it. In fact it did it again with this post, but I caught it this time. I can think of a solution of how to prevent it partially, but I want to avoid the script making random files to just use as a way to read variables. I wonder if there’s a way to terminate itself if it detects another identical script being runned. That would be the best solution and it should exist.

So yeah today was defintely a rather large post. While I would to do more of these. It does take a lot more time to make them and in turn less time for me to being doing other stuff like sleep. Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night.