Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Air of the Opulent

From what my memory serves. This has a pretty amazing trial for those to experience along the Main Scenario Quests. Not that its special or anything, but its the voice actor that sells the whole thing. Similar to another trial in Heavensward.

I’ve been cooking an idea for a while on revamping my 3 hour long videos, but I’ve been struggling a bit on how I should do it. To be quite frank, while I can sit there and absorb all the knowledge that this planet has to offer. It means nothing when I don’t even know how to implement effectively into a video. I might do a “demo” video trying to capture what I want to do, but no guarantees on when.

The only good thing to come out of this is the fact that I was able to figure out how to move about with a minimal hud layout and not my character being in the middle of it. Thats fairly key to what I want to achieve. Another tool that I can use is to quite simply make an alternate account acting as a “cameraman” It would in theory work, but who knows. I think for now I’ll keep it rudimentary in scope before I try to do anything fancy.