Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.


Fancy little place. I somewhat wonder behind the origins of this place. I think in some ways that Stormblood probably has some of the most interesting stuff going on lore wise the only problem being that it isn’t explicitly stated outside of a few specific things. It kind’ve wants me to try and delve deeper and learn a bit more of the world. It could add more value down the line when we do start to explore beyond the continent of Eorzea. Actually, let me rephrase that. Based on a wikipost about Eorzea. ( Apparently, Eorzea is just a geopolitical region instead of a continent. The actual continent that Eorzea persides in is called Aldenard. There’s a lot that I could explore and its given me ideas on how to interpet the world as a whole. The only problem being is that I feel like I’ll be invading in a space that people do far better than I can. Then again, they already invested time on their efforts. Where all I do is take a screenshot or record major zones and maybe add something of value to it. Who knows on what I could do to add value to such a thing already, but it will mainly exist as food for thought.

So one slight problem. I won’t be able to work on a story today due to the fact that I had to replace my heater after work. That resulted me in coming home far later than normal. Add a few other distractions and I have less than 10 minutes to get this fella posted. As such there won’t be any story today. As much as I dislike not doing one. It also bothers me in some ways that I struggle in making them interesting in some capactiy or to give them a proper structure. I’m needlessly complaining. Although, I might be adding way too much mental work onto my plate since I set the challenge of doing this stuff daily. Doesn’t exactly give me much flexibility to work with. Its something that I will need to consider on my current workflow. There could be ways to better improve my capabilities. Without burning myself out.

Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night.