Heavensward [3.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Castrum Solus

So… I completely forgotten to add the title for today’s post. I got too distracted on the other aspects of this post and well clearly missed out on one of the most simplest things to do in the world. Oh well, try not to burn me on the stake for it.

A little interesting spot to say the least. It appears that the Garleans decided to setup camp here during their merry walk around experiement hell. You know what? Let’s post another image for today. While it isn’t related to Azys Lla in any way. I simply want to show off the new glamour I managed to conjure up for my little popoto.

Its pretty cool to say the least. (It ain’t meant to be a pun) Its a lot more pale in comparison of the previous glamours I had shown on these post. I will probably use this as my main attire for a good while. Because of this new change, I might just make a few more glamours since this one can only be worn by healers.


A man deeply loves his breakfast and was also a genius in many other ways. On the day of what would be his greatest accomplishment. Tolling through the night and ensuring that every aspect of their prototype was functional. The man achieved a machine that allows him to send his memories back in time. Effectively a time machine. Before even attempting the prototype. He decided to sleep and prepare the next day for experimentation. However, the cook that was meant to prepare his meal didn’t arrive in the morning. Once the man had woken up and sat at his breakfast table waiting to feast. It was only then did he realize of the cook’s disappearance. Concerned he contacted the cook and learned that they fell ill and were unable to arrive in time. Shocked by the response. The man rushed up to their time machine and immediately used its capabilities. He then finds himself waking up infront of his machine once more at night, but the day before his breakfast mishap. Remembering of the incident he decided to go back to sleep and prepare once again. Upon waking up early he attempts to prepare his own breakfast only to be presented with a lack of eggs. He once again repeats the time travel back to the day before and buys eggs at a store in the night before bed. For ever time he goes back he finds a new problem that presents him from having his breakfast. Eventually, he gave up and decided to not finish building his machine one night and went to be instead. Upon waking up he noticed that the cook arrived this time and found himself a boasting feast for his breakfast.


Dagnabit. There were too many holes with this story. I shouldn’t have gone down the whole time travelling route this time. I needed more than 10 minutes to actually give this story some structure. I even forgot to set my stopwatch for the first 15 seconds. If I were to include those 15 seconds. I had literally 3 seconds before hitting the 10 minute mark. Some may recognize a similar formula to this story. To be quite honest, I was inspired to make a “loop” story because I spoke with someone today and they mentioned the word. It then got me thinking on what story I could create with it. Obviously time travelling became the big contender and when it comes to one of my favorite stories. Steins;Gate was the number one that hit the list. The problem with wanting to use a similar structure with Steins;Gate is that its a lot more gloomy and sad of a story. I feel that alot of my stories tend to go down a more dark and serious tone and decided if I am going to make this story. I shall add a whimsical flair to it this time. Thats why I decided to make it where the person did everything that they could to have their breakfast after finishing the machine, but I clearly didn’t have enough time to flesh out the story. It makes me sad in a way.

I kind’ve find these posts funny to me as of late. When I initially started doing the Screenshot a Day series for FFXIV. I gotten to a point and stage where I really didn’t want to do these posts anymore. The main issue for me at the time is that I didn’t see much of a point to make them. I doubt people will see these posts unless I just force it on them. Even then, people will only look at one post and call it a day. Lastly, The main flair of these posts were the screenshot not the text partly because I didn’t have the motivation to add anything to the post themselves. Nowadays I somewhat look forward to making these posts, but I know dread on having to make these stories. Everyday I want to improve on the previous story, but I know that the results of my efforts wouldn’t realisticly show over the course of a few days. It was also hard to determine if these stories achieve on what I set out to do.

Whether some will see this as a good thing or a bad thing. I personally follow a fairly minimal structure on my website of sorts. Because of it I have no ads or cookies present nor any way for people to communicate or discuss with me. Thats one of the problems that is starting to creep up with these stories. I’ve been somewhat inspired with xkcd. While the content is clearly different, I personally find the simplicity of the website amazing. Although, its a bit more fleshed out in certain areas. (like the about section) The problem for me is that I want to leave it the way the website is presented. It sort’ve becomes this slice of the internet that I can confidently say I had an influence on. The option to enable comments is feasible for these posts. I simply don’t want to partly because I don’t want to moderate it and its also because I feel like it may ruin that slice I have created for myself. Its without a doubt selfish, but what human on this planet is considered to be completely selfless?

I don’t know what I was trying to say there. What I do know is that I wish there was a fairly simple method of communication that doesn’t involve me in making comments for these posts. I wouldn’t really mind making a subreddit or discord server to achieve that end. At the same time I feel that its fairly pointless to due that till I’m confident that there are people out there interested to even do something like that. As such the only realistic communication someone can make to me is via commenting on one of the videos I make. Although, I generally don’t look at them till I start uploading my next video which could be in a few days from now. Its more of a social anxiety thing especially when I’m putting myself in a relatively vulnerable position.

Regardless, I hope you all have a good time and try to spend it wisely for the next.