[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Chopping day

Look at this. I try to go gather some wood and it decides to rain all of a sudden. Maybe I’ll just go fishing. Eh, I’ll just go look somewhere else.

14 days of screenshots

Welp, here we are. 2 weeks of me posting a screenshot a day. Now, I won’t be mentioning these milestones ever other week, but I do plan to mention it again around the 90-100 day mark and again at the year mark. Anyhow, I have massively redesigned the website, to better suit this sort of blogging. There’s some room of improvement like setting up a gallery of the png version of these files, but I am not entirely certain how to best tackle that.

Overall, I am somewhat impressed that I have been able to do this daily and not miss a single day so far. I intend to continue doing this till I am no longer able to.

Where’s the green thumb?

Sadly, I haven’t spent much time in the past few days on tending others crops in FFXIV. I have been rather busy in real life thanks job plus spending a fair amount of time improving this website in various ways. There are plans to try and get back in gear on tending other’s gardens, but might have to wait for some time.

Mistakes were made

When it comes to the realm of software development and just a general rule of thumb with anything technology related. You don’t mess with the production server. Fortunately, I am a fool wait that can’t be right. Last night, I was trying to get the goaccess realtime mode to communicate with nginx, so that I can more easily see the web traffic. The only problem was that it didn’t really work. The thing is that goaccess uses a websocket to create its realtime presentation and for whatever reason I couldn’t get nginx to redirect to said websocket. Along the lines, I thought it had something to do with the directory it was in. I changed it to the directory I had my main website files located and recklessly replaced the index.html file for the homepage. It was due to a mistype on my end and not realizing that I had overwritten a file. Now there were no immediate changes till I restarted the service and the caching on my browser was gone.

Thats when I noticed my mistake and immediately shutdown nginx to figure out why that happened. Thankfully, due to the graces of hugo generator design. It essentially acts as a backup when you mess up the publicly available files. All I had to do was rebuild the site and let it replace the “corrupted” index.html file. So yeah… Note to self, try not to destroy my own server

I think this hiccup was viewable for about 5 minutes. Thankfully, I decided to check my website to see any major changes happen, but personally would like to add some measures to prevent such mistakes again. The simplest solution is to never… touch… the public folder. Only using Hugo’s build to edit such files.

Overall, I did create a rather simple solution that I wanted out of this. I can generate the html file that goaccess create on its own. From there I can access that html file via nginx and all I have to do now is run a cronjob that will update the file, so that I can look at the web traffic at specific intervals (every 30 minutes right now). I did want real time stats, but I’ll make do with frequent updates instead.

Remote Posting

Alright this is an odd title to use. Technically, I am posting remotely since I am not actually at the server, but this is more to do on the client end. Currently, I can easily make and edit new posts relatively easily on my one computer. The problem being that I don’t have this workflow setup on any portable devices. Because of this, Passively exploring on ways to better ensure my ability to post daily regardless of where I am. I haven’t found a viable solution at the moment. At the same time, I haven’t invested too much into it. Although, this is a problem that will need a solution in the foreseeable future.

About me page

Uh… I kind’ve forgotten about this page. It also doesn’t help that its not easily discoverable. The main reason for it being like that, is due to it basically being a placeholder. I’ve considered on actually updating it and even including an email for those who wish to contact me. However, there’s a bit of an obstacle that hasn’t been conquered. More specifically, anonymity.

I’m unsure if I want to use real information about myself, or use psuedo info like a nickname to kind of keep my life sane. At the same time, if I were to use this blog in any professional manner, like with resumes. I’ll need to present credibility that I actually own this site. I won’t deny that there’s already ways for people to figure me out in real life, but that’s a whole other problem if they go that far Either way, having my name isn’t gonna hurt in the grand scheme, but I also wonder if I could get away without using real world info about myself. It would be a hard sell if I ever do trek down the path of monetization

I hope this doesn’t become too much of a trend. Having these fairly hefty posts, are gonna wipe me out on what to say. I doubt that will happen, but it can become its own burden. Nevertheless, I hope you folks have a lovely day.