[3.0] Heavensward: Post may contain potential spoilers.


I forgot the name of this place, but that matters little at the moment. I decided to embark onto a new zone since I have pretty much explored the previous one most of the way. I don’t have much to say today sadly. I did thought of exploring some of the nations for Solarian, but I decided to put that on hold since I want to get a fair amount of sleep since I want to be able to go a do a bit of a hike tomorrow morning. The only concern that I have is how cold the place is going to be. Thankfully, its not going to be incredibly cold, but I’m more concerned on the initial part of the day than I am in mid part of it.

On a side note here’s an extra screenshot. I finally explored the entirerty of the first submersible chart that the game offers. I just need to wait 1 and a half days to finish the last voyage. I do wonder what will happen after I explore the rest of it.

Hope you folks have a good day and night!