[3.0] Heavensward: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Anyx Time

Welcome one and all. For the time of your life has yet to begun. Actually, hold on that thought. It appears the moon doesn’t want to stay up in the sky for an inconceivable amount of time. As such we are unable to put a pause on your current life for a new one. No refunds are avaible for the amount of time you have invested to today’s post.

In all seriousness. I like the shot of the moon in the night sky. It adds a rather neat level of luminace to the surrounding buildings.

I did a bit of hiking out in the real world yesterday. Not a particularly long hike since I wasn’t fully equipped to take a longer trail. Although, I do hope that I can get better equipped to take rather long hikes. I do want to invest in time as a tool to focus on story making. Quite literally the entire intent behind me hiking. Figured that if I can experience things out in the wilderness and away from civilization. It will help me focus building some stories to tell. I don’t really have a grand scheme of things. The plan is to do it on the fly. Similar in a sense to those who would be a Dungeon Master or Game Master in Tabletop Role Playing Games.

A rather significant chunk of my storytelling experience has come from games liks Dungeons and Dragons. In fact one of the significant foundations that I took from was a world that my dad friends had created over the years together. It has given me thought about creating a Campaign for those to use. Sadly, that isn’t too practical because a lot of the games my Dad and his friends played. Don’t follow the norms of Dungeons and Dragons. You get a normal set of dice and the only restrictions is that of the DMs whims.

One of the more fascinating stories that we had going was using the Song of Ice and Fire TRPG. Based off of the books (Commonly known as Game of Thrones) it had a rather interesting system. In particular was the intrigue system that added “combat” to dialogues. You can’t simply tell someone what to do unless they were below you on a social standing and it was harder to perservere against those above you. The main interesting thing about our campaign was that we had two DMs (or narrators). They would switch between each other whenever they wanted to and they also had their own characters. Neither planned with each other on how the story would go, but dear god. That system helped create some of the most interesting stories to tell.

The key part of the system outside of its Intrigue was the Fates/Destiny points you get to use (Don’t recall what they were called) Essentially, you have three options to use them for. You can either Spend, Invest, or Burn them. When you spend a Destiny point you can give yourself an advantage on a certain roll or even slighly alter the story a tad.

For example,

You could be in a situation where you need to get through a locked door, but obviously you have no key to it. You can spend a Destiny Point to say that after inspecting the room a little bit you noticed that there was a key underneath a rug in the middle of the room. You can essentially add something to the enviornment that the Dm did not create initially.

Investing is quite similar to that of Feats in Dungeons and Dragons. You can invest a Destiny Point to aquire unique features that can give you benefits in various ways. One of them could give you a cohort or make you very skilled with a sword. There were a lot of options to pick from. Although, unlike spending a point. Once you invest a point you can’t get spend/burn it on anything else.

Burn is where the juicy part is. Similar to spending a Destiny Point, but Greater. One key aspect is that you can burn a destiny point to save yourself from being killed. Obviously, you aren’t necessarily spared from reprecussions from you near-death experience. Thats up to what the Dm decides what to do to your character. If its planned right you could reveal that your character had indeed infact survived a betrayal and upend an entire kingdom’s legitmacy. The sole reason why I mentioned that is because I actually had a character happen to them in that fashion before. Although, I didn’t get the chance to reveal my character since we stopped playing a bit afterwards.

That was quite the detour to say the least. There’s one last thing I intend to show you before I end today’s post. In fact, its a picture I had taken while htaking a short hike. It shall be the first time I will present to you the real world. If you would call it that. Its not a particularly high quality picutre due to me taking it on my phone. Even then, I think its still an fascinating picture.

The key thing about this shot is the cloud formations. To me, I think of it as an head sticking out in the sky but I have seen others of differing opinions.

Nevertheless, I like the picture and this might become more common place. Especially, if I take more hikes in the future, but I shall make no promises on that.

Hope you folks have a good day/night. May it never be the last.